Thursday, May 29, 2008

Truth, A Political Suicide

I am not a political savvy person, in the papers I just glimpse at the headlines because usually its all political piffle. Either there’s political unrest between two communities, backward caste asking for their rights or some local murder, suicide or theft. Now cmon who wants to start the morning reading that. So I just skip through the headline, browse through the sports section, read the sports articles and also gossips from celebrities. You know its funny but I find that gossips more entertaining and transpiring than the front page headlines. But reading about backward caste asking for their rights seems funny to me. First they want to be treated equal. Granted, now a days no one discriminates anybody by their caste. Its all about your abilities. Then they want special rights and concessions because they are backward caste. Now isn’t that an irony? You don’t want to appear as backward caste and yet you are in front of the line holding the card stating I am backward caste so give me concession. Now if you wanted to be treated equal, go ahead and stop asking for all this concessions and special privileges. I would be so embarrassed going into reputed university on the basis of ST/BC (Special Tribe/ Backward Caste) seat. Its humorous that they try not to show that they are ST/BC and yet on that basis with haughty pride they accept the seats in university. Actually some of the leaders should talk to them about this before they start creating more havoc in other states but who wants to state the truth. This statement is definitely a political suicide because believe it or not truth hurts … who wants to take the mike?


Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Bhavik said...

thanks peregrine....appreciate your comment