Thursday, December 30, 2004

Sleep...cant live without it ???

There are so many questions hovering inside my mind. First of all is how come i feel so much sleepy today when i wake up at 9:30 and the whole day i tried to "finish my thesis", notice i tried but didnt do it. In short the whole day i goofed doing nothing physical and still feel as if i have done so much work and now i need to sleep. Right now the time is 9:46 PM which isnt so bad is it? Not to forget that i got more than 8 hours of sleep yesterday. Also i am really glad that i dont have any girl friend or she would have dumped me long ago because she might be talking this time and i would be yawning. Although even if i wasnt so sleepy i would still yawn cause i find most of the girls talk rubbish. Its good their talks generally doesnt require any of your mental power. All you do is nod and say really or pretend that you are intrested in their talk while in the back of your mind you are undressing her. Hoping she doesnt pick such twinkle in my eyes but i hide it preety good. well cant stay any longer or i would sleep in front of this computer. cheers