Friday, June 13, 2008

Elucidating the looks

Until now I have been given many looks, but the last look I got still haunts me. Its those memory burns, the one where the image is set in your mind and you can play it again and again as per your convenience. Last week I had to go to Rajkot for Investor’s camp and organizing of the event was lodged on my shoulder. Boss sparingly gave me his jiju and his Honda CRV so that I can go there and arrange hotel for the event. He has installed siren as well as red light(which can be removed) on top of his car which portraits it as a very official looking car. We were in a hurry to catch freeway so that we could beat the traffic and so every time we would face barrier in traffic, on comes the light and siren. People were scrambling to give us side so that we could pass. Funny incident was we were passing through a narrow section where generally there are universities and colleges. Because of admission rush, there were lots of students and peers and we had to persist in using the siren and horn. In front of us there was this guy in a side car scooter. We were continuously using siren and I saw this guy turning into a house whose gates were open and I was inquisitive why is this guy going into the house and then he gave us that look….look which elucidate “are you happy? I had to go into a house to give you side”. We were laughing at his face when we passed. I felt bad but it was pretty funny. After that there was a heavy mayhem at the cross roads and once again jiju started the light and siren. It was at that moment I saw her, the gal (let me add she was so easy on my eyes) who was opposite us in her activa and she was giving me that look which interpreted “you think you own the world arrogant prick”. I mean we were moving at 0.5 meters an hour, it was that much heavy traffic and she wasn’t blinking at all and staring at me giving me that look. I was sitting at the front and the worse thing is that I returned the look. I inched my neck upward to show “yes baby you have to move…whether you like it or not”. That look lasted for nearly 1 and half minute. Until now I have been given many types of look, some come on look, some don’t disturb me but never a look with a heavy dose of vengeance especially from a girl.

Now I know why they say power is addictive. I was stepping on her rights. I should feel awful since we all have equal rights but I was showing in an ostentatious way who’s important. I wasn’t thinking about her vexing or aggravation or discomfort . I was concerned about my situation and since I had the power, I was using it o pave my way. So although I should feel bad but the power screened me from seeing that and that is why I say power is bad as well as addictive. But the girl was beautiful…too bad we started on the wrong side otherwise I would love to carry on. The disadvantage of putting red light on the top of the car was when my boss came for the event and he was itching for a drink. As soon as he reached Rajkot he called a guy from the roadside and asked where can I get drink and that poor fellow seeing red light thought this might be police and said “I don’t drink…I have never touched it and I don’t even know where can we get it” and ran away saying that…..even the jiju when we were looking for hotels asked me to take out the light otherwise the hotel people would think we are there for raid….i wanted to ask him what kind of as in u....cmon u should know but didnt had the courage to ask him....that my friend is an disadvantage.