Monday, March 19, 2007

In search of God

Is there God or not? This argument is ceaseless. To me it all depends on your faith and belief. I got inspiration of this topic from a article i came upon. It had a joke where a customer goes into a barber shop and barber says that there is no god as if there would be then there wouldn't be any sick, dying people in the world. After the customer gets its hair done he sees a beggar outside with big matted hair and long beard and turns to the barber.

" You say there is no god and i say there is no barber"

"How can you say that? I am right in front of you"

"Well if there was barber then how come all the beggars have long hair and unshaved beard"

"In order to get their haircut done they have to come to me"

"Exactly, in order to see god you have to go to them"

Many many people would argue on this and just like the universe is made of matter and anti-matter, everything have two sides. Good and bad, light and dark, positive and negative are all part of our nature and all are equal. We have to learn to accept them instead of shunning out bad and seeking for good. How would we know what is good unless we have tasted the fruits of bad? How would we know what is light when we have never experienced darkness? Everybody has in their nature, inclination to see the cup half full or half empty. Now this is the kind of impulse you dont have your control over. Its natural for you but not enduring. You can change your view how you look at the situations, things that you encounter in your life. Some people are born skeptical and would argue until the end of this world. Sometimes i get frustrated because these are the people even though you convince them of your point instead of realising and understand the point, at the back of their mind they are thinking of the way to find another loophole in the logic, finding another way to prove that the game is still on. Now i just let it go and seriously sometimes get sympathetic as they are stuck in the spiteful vicious circle for which they only hold the key and they have to be aware to realise it.

A german guy once asked my Kriya Yoga Guru to prove that there is god. My guru asked him to prove that there is no god as he wants the proof. Now if we dont see doesnt mean that its not there. We dont see air but we feel it, we havent seen black hole but we know they do exist. Sri Ramkrishna very well said

"You see many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises. Can you therefore say that there are no stars in the heavens during the day? O man, because you cannot find god in the days of your ignorance, say not that there is no god."

Just as we feel the air but cannot see it, when you invite god in your soul you would surely feel his presence. The key is to be open minded, to reach him just like the joke of barber and customer. Now I am just expressing my opinion and i am found the way to reach my god. The way has been shown to me, all i have to do is to start walking.

Let me ask you something. What would you say if i ask what do you think of our world? Most of them would say world is in dire, polluted ete cetra. We always say there is so much poverty and bad in this world, when did we say the world is so beautiful, it is so good and breathtaking? If you focus on problems instead of solutions, according to the law of attraction you will get and see poverty and suffering only. Lets not underline the problems why are we seeing the cup half empty?